Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Technical Difficulties

There are days I don't like technology very much.  This am was one of those times.  I needed a project to challenge some students while allowing me to work with others.  The project I settled on was another Google Search Story only this time about math.  Students created a word problem about money and making change.  When the first one finished I tried to sign in to the class Google/Youtube channel and I couldn't remember the passcode. I kept trying and eventually discovered the Google account has been disabled.  I sent Google an email to see if they would reinstate it, but I haven't heard back yet.  That was very frustrating.  I had several students ready to upload their projects by the time I discovered the account was disabled.  There's no way to save their work.  Thankfully they had everything in a word document so all they'll have to do is retype when we are able to get the account going again.  Still, it was frustrating.  Next we worked on the ABC  measurement book.  The computer connected to the scanner wouldn't allow the students to log in because the security log was full.  

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