Saturday, February 19, 2011


We read a story out of Treasures (our reading series) that was perfect for comparing and contrasting.  I created a venn diagram (to keep students from spending too much time making perfect circles and a 'perfect' diagram) using Publisher and students created text boxes to place the information.  The students continue to amaze me with how quickly they create text boxes, change the font/size, type the information and adjust the box to the perfect place and size.  But not only do they amaze me with their technology skills, they amaze me with their content knowledge.  After gathering and placing all the data on the diagram, the students created a text box at the bottom of the diagram cutting the bottom fourth of the diagram out of the picture.  Well, it was 'cut' out of the picture after students filled the text box with white.  The white text box was used to write a paragraph about the information using compare/contrast signal words.  Signal words were bolded. 

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