Sunday, February 6, 2011

ABC Measurement Book

My principal bought us a scanner to use.  I think we will use a combination of freehand art scanned into the computer along with Publisher, maybe PowerPoint to create the ABC book.  I may let the students decide which program to use.  The more I think about that idea the more I like it.  What a great opportunity to learn about features of a program and use our compare/contrast skills.  I'm thinking the students will save their pages as a PDF which can be uploaded into a student publishing company's website for actual paperback copy publication.  Because the student publishing company limits the books to 12 pages, students will have to put 2/3 letters on a page.  Should I really take this on before state testing?  One of our weaker concepts in the past has been measurement  and measurement tools.  I think we will take this on before testing.  It will be a fun project top help relieve stress while at the same time review needed concepts.

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