Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fluency Graph example

This gives you an idea of how we charted our growth with words read per minute.  The data shown does not belong to any child in my classroom as I made it up.  The goal (target) at the beginning of the year was less than 123 but I had the student put 123 as the target on the chart because (1) it's the time of year that 123 is the goal and (2) it is the ultimate goal so why not use it.  The students charted their own growth using the template chart created for them to use.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Fluency Graphs

I wanted the goal (123 words) to appear on the students' graphs.  I googled how to put a target line on a graph and found a solution that worked for me.  There may be another way, maybe even easier than what we did, but I'm happy.  We just added another column of data with the goal.  The goal is listed with each entry.  Now we have a line showing the target number and the students can see how close they are to the goal.  They read to me today to get a new number to add to their chart.  Maybe I imagined it, maybe it was real, but it seemed like they all tried a little harder.  They've always been interested in their fluency (words read per minute) number, but now it has become a competition to get that WRPM above the target line.  They love reading to me.  They love getting their new number.  They love using excel to chart their growth.

They are becoming so quick at figuring out how to follow me on the computer and how to use the computer.  It might be time to allow them to gather more data about themselves.  Maybe a timed test on multiplication facts.  I wonder if a target line on their graph for multiplication facts would inspire them as much as the WRPM.   Now to figure out what would be a reasonable goal for multiplication facts in one minute....

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pictographs Done!

I created the "skeleton" of the pictograph for the students and then together we created the pictograph using data we created from polling the class about our favorite ice cream.  I kept it simple giving students three choices, chocolate, vanilla and other.  Each ice cream cone on the graph equaled two.  Making a 1/2 cone was interesting.  (We put a box over half of the cone and filled the box with white.) We put the "guts" into the pictograph.  The students watched me on the big screen and they did the same on their computers.  They were delighted with their graphs. 

We collected new data for each student to create their own pictograph.  We did this in about 20 minutes.  Each student picked a topic and two choices to put with a category of other.  I open the smart software and each student turned on their clicker.  I put the topic and choices on the page and the students voted.  When we were done each child had a bar graph with their data.  They turned that data into a pictograph.  This time they did the skeleton along with the guts.  :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Creating a line graph

We have an ongoing line graph displaying fluency scores.  Each week the students read to me for one minute and I count the words per minute.  The students are using Excel to log their data and create the line graph.   We had some problems on some machines with the graphs displaying the data properly.  Those problems appear to be fixed (the grant facilitator took the machines and worked on them so I don't know the 'fix') and we learned how to print the graph alone or with the data.

One of the things I learned with the kids is to make sure they know how to write a date using slash.  The students used a back slash which didn't work so well.  Interesting.


Today we are going to learn about pictographs.  Students will collect data and create their own pictograph about ice cream today.   I debated allowing the students the opportunity to create their own graph outline (the box part) or have that part done and students then complete the content.  I'm going with complete the content for today.  If things go well and we have extra time, I'll show them how to create the box part of the graph. 

Story Element Web

I created a story element web on Publisher (the students could have made it but I didn't want to take the time) for a picture book.  The stationary boxes were in bold so students knew which boxes they were expected to complete.  We completed the web together.  Today the students will hear a different picture book and then will complete the story element web on their own.  I am excited to see how they complete it.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


We read a story out of Treasures (our reading series) that was perfect for comparing and contrasting.  I created a venn diagram (to keep students from spending too much time making perfect circles and a 'perfect' diagram) using Publisher and students created text boxes to place the information.  The students continue to amaze me with how quickly they create text boxes, change the font/size, type the information and adjust the box to the perfect place and size.  But not only do they amaze me with their technology skills, they amaze me with their content knowledge.  After gathering and placing all the data on the diagram, the students created a text box at the bottom of the diagram cutting the bottom fourth of the diagram out of the picture.  Well, it was 'cut' out of the picture after students filled the text box with white.  The white text box was used to write a paragraph about the information using compare/contrast signal words.  Signal words were bolded. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

Audacity/Update on Youtube/Google

Our account was "reinstated" allowing us to upload a few videos on making change.  :)

Have you used Audacity?  This is one of my favorite free programs.  I look forward to continuing to explore the possibilities for this program.  So far I have used it for fluency practice.  Students record a passage or the week's story in the program.  Then they listen to their recording while following along.  Sometimes I time them to see how many words they can read in one minute.  Last week after students wrote and edited a passage.  They opened Audacity and recorded their writing.  They stopped the recording and played it while following along with their writing.  The purpose behind the activity was allow to students another chance to edit their writing.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Technical Difficulties

There are days I don't like technology very much.  This am was one of those times.  I needed a project to challenge some students while allowing me to work with others.  The project I settled on was another Google Search Story only this time about math.  Students created a word problem about money and making change.  When the first one finished I tried to sign in to the class Google/Youtube channel and I couldn't remember the passcode. I kept trying and eventually discovered the Google account has been disabled.  I sent Google an email to see if they would reinstate it, but I haven't heard back yet.  That was very frustrating.  I had several students ready to upload their projects by the time I discovered the account was disabled.  There's no way to save their work.  Thankfully they had everything in a word document so all they'll have to do is retype when we are able to get the account going again.  Still, it was frustrating.  Next we worked on the ABC  measurement book.  The computer connected to the scanner wouldn't allow the students to log in because the security log was full.  

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Downloading Pictures/Scanner/Misc

I finally started showing the students how to download pictures from the digital camera.  I don't know why I waited so long other than we've had so much going on it has been hard to get everything done.  They are doing fabulous downloading pictures.  They are also doing fabulous scanning. 

I don't know when we'll get the text feature brochures done as the ABC books take up what little free time we have.  We also have to work in extra practice for the state test.  In social studies we are working on the three branches of government so we will make our first brochure about our government.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Text Feature Brochure

My friend Laurie just told me about her class using Publisher to create text feature brochures.  Hmmm, I think we have another project waiting in the wings!

ABC Measurement Book....Again!

We started it today.  The images in the book are expected to be a variety of clip art, photos taken by student or classmate, images used with permission from internet or illustrations drawn by child, scanned and uploaded to document. Each page will have a sentence with some sort of measurement statement and measurement units should be matched with a measurement tool and vice versa.  We are using Publisher to compile all of our information.  My para helped students scan their illustrations and it wasn't long before the students were scanning on their own.  

Before illustrating our words we brainstormed measurement words using an ABC chart when we read Measuring Penny.  We looked at posters in our room for more words.  We had to "stretch" some words in order to have at least one word for each letter of the alphabet.  I gave the students a template to help them organize their page.  I also gave each child a "half spiral" notebook for page planning.  (I bought a bunch of spiral notebooks for a nickel one year...I found a place to get them cut in half.  Make for nice little notebooks. And.....the students think they are FUN!  :)  )

Sunday, February 6, 2011

ABC Measurement Book

My principal bought us a scanner to use.  I think we will use a combination of freehand art scanned into the computer along with Publisher, maybe PowerPoint to create the ABC book.  I may let the students decide which program to use.  The more I think about that idea the more I like it.  What a great opportunity to learn about features of a program and use our compare/contrast skills.  I'm thinking the students will save their pages as a PDF which can be uploaded into a student publishing company's website for actual paperback copy publication.  Because the student publishing company limits the books to 12 pages, students will have to put 2/3 letters on a page.  Should I really take this on before state testing?  One of our weaker concepts in the past has been measurement  and measurement tools.  I think we will take this on before testing.  It will be a fun project top help relieve stress while at the same time review needed concepts.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New Projects - ABC Measurement Book/Character Trait & Avatar

I want to make an ABC book using measurement terms.  I'm struggling with how to pull technology in to this besides the obvious use of using the computer as a word processor.  (Does that sentence make sense???)  What should the final product be?  A powerpoint?  A paper copy of a  book?  Ideas anyone?

We are getting ready to create a character and describe a trait about the character.  The reader of the paragraph should be able to guess the character's trait based on the description of the character and/or character activities.  The actual word for the trait cannot be used in the paragraph.  I did this last year and they were great.  This year the students are going to make an avatar of some kind to go with the description.  I have a student teacher who will do this project with the class.  I'm looking forward to seeing the end product.

Google Search Story

We finished our search stories.  Here's a link to them.

Now we are helping the third graders create stories about Wichita.

Here's the link to make your own.