Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Fluency/Repeated Reading

Each week as a part of my students' homework they were to read a passage at least three times each evening.  They could time themselves if they wanted to see how many words they could read in a minute, but they were expected to read the entire passage.  Their goal was to become smoother and faster readers.  We practiced the passage/page every day in class. We discussed words they didn't know and the pronunciation.  We talked about stopping at periods, pronouncing the endings on words, reading with expression...we emphasized this is NOT a race. They would read using their 'phones' and I would time them.  (Sometimes we used Audacity so they could listen to themselves when done.) They marked on their page where they stopped.   I used passages out of teacher books, passages related to what we were reading, passages related to social studies or science or math, but my favorite was a page from the basal.  I copied one page with a lot of text.  I counted the words and labeled each line.  The students were given a copy to practice with and I had a stack ready to mark miscues when they read the passage or page to me on Friday.  Earlier in the blog I talked about graphing their scores.  The score from Friday was the 'final' score and it was graphed.



I saved the original passage with the words counted in a notebook in the order of the stories in the basal.  If I used something other than the basal, that passage was inserted when I used it.  This was very handy the following year as I didn't have to search for a passage/page and didn't have to count words again.  They were ready to be copied.

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