Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Biography Project

We started a new project yesterday.  Each child chose a biography to read.  Today they started completing a graphic organizer.  The first part of the organizer stores facts about the person's early life such as where and when born, siblings, and any other interesting information.  The second part of the organizer stores information about why the person is famous or why a book would be written about the person.  This has been harder as the students just want to write 'famous baseball player' or 'had a son' or some other 'easy' comment.  We had a lot of discussions about this topic.  Tomorrow they will complete the opinion and question part of the graphic organizer.  They will tell whether or not they think the person should have a book written about his/her life and what would they ask the person if they could visit with him/her.  They cannot ask something that was answered in the book or that can be googled.

Students will take this information and write a short report about the person.  (We are using a second source...either History.com or Biography.com)  A title page will be created along with at least four pictures to illustrate important points in the report.  Each child will create a bibliography using easybib.com. 

The title page and pictures will be used along with the report to make a 'paper-slide video' with a flip camera.  Students will work together (we call it the production team) to video the papers as they are slid across the table as the report is read by the author.

A timeline is also being required.  Students will use a graphic organizer to log events in the person's life.  That information will be entered into the timeline feature on readwritethink.org and printed.  The timeline will be the last thing shown on the video mentioned above.

Students will be graded on the research paper, the video, and the timeline.  A rubric has been developed to grade the targeted areas.


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