Saturday, May 21, 2011

Expectations Videos

In groups, students have been brainstorming expectations for different parts of our building and for our classroom.  They are writing a song, a skit or just making a documentary about the expectations in the part of the building they requested or was assigned.  They have planned what they are going to say, who is going to say it, what kinds of pictures/video they want and in what order everything should appear.   They are taking staged pictures or making short video clips to illustrate the points they want to make.  PowerPoint is being used to make title pages and/or information pages as they will save them as jpeg files and pull them into PhotoStory3.  When they are done they will create a video which will be pulled into Windows Movie Maker.  In WMM they will add any video clips and add credits.  When they are done they should have a video for me to use next year to help explain expectations for the lunchroom, the hallway, the bathroom and other places in our building.

You may be asking, why PhotoStory3 and then WMM...the kids have netbooks and WMM doesn't work that great on them.  We'll have to use the computer lab or take turns on the couple of laptops we have in the room for WMM.  I try to keep their time on WMM as brief as possible so everyone gets time to edit and put a rolling credit at the end of their video.  Rolling credits are pretty cool!  :)

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