Monday, May 16, 2011

Choose Your Own Adventure Story

Students are currently working on a choose your own adventure story.  I'm not sure they get it.  I wanted to read a sample story to them, but it's been hard to get everything in due to the end of the year and everything that is going on.  I hope to get a chance to read their stories tomorrow and see how they are doing.  The stories are going on PowerPoint.  That gave us a chance to learn how to do buttons.  Of course, they love the buttons.

We also made another brochure.  This one was about fractions.  We made "posters" in Publisher about fractions.  The posters were saved as jpeg files and pulled into the brochure. They love making brochures.

The students told me today they want to make a Voki.  So, somehow we'll try to squeeze that in before the end of the year.

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