Sunday, March 13, 2011

Custom Google Search

We used a custom Google search when working on the fact/opinion games earlier in the year and again when we worked on the Kansas search stories.  I like the custom searches as only the sites I put in the custom search are searched by the students.  Ads still show up and guidance still has to be provided, but it narrows the search for the students.

The fact/opinion games focused on animals so the search included children friendly animal sites.  I also included sites allowing use of their pictures.

Here's a link to the animal search.

Here's a link to the Kansas search.  (We had to do some Google searching outside of the custom search.  I need to work on this particular custom search.)

Here's how you can make your own custom search.  Go to
Click on more, then even more.
Click on custom search.  I make sure I bookmark the search site into my delicious account for easy access later.  You can edit the search at a later time if needed.

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