Thursday, October 28, 2010

Splat Multiplication

My students love to use Splat 100s board for marking multiples. 

My teaching partner used Splat to play a multiplication game.  Students were partnered up.  Each pair needs one computer with Splat.  Each child chooses a color to represent him/her on the board.  Each pair needs a pair of 10 sided dice.  Students roll the dice and multiply the two numbers.  The product is marked on the board in the appropriate color.  Students have to decide if whoever marks a color first gets to keep the color if it can be "bumped" into another color if another child rolls that product.  The first child who gets 3 in a row wins.  (or 5 in a row)   See what discoveries can be made about numbers after children have played the game.  (Thanks Amy for the great idea!)

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