Saturday, September 18, 2010

Time to Reflect

The intentions behind this blog was to document the year with all of the new technology in my classroom.  I've been so busy that I've failed so far.  This post will be an attempt to start to record what has been accomplished so far.

First, we established expectations when using the computers and returning the computers to the cart.  These are posted on the cart.  The students have done a fabulous job of following expectations.

Our first "project" was a wordle.  Students typed their name in five times (the more times the word appears, the larger it is in the wordle) or so and then typed words that described them.  The word list was created the night before as a homework assignment.  The words were typed into a word document.  Using Word helped with spelling and spacing of words.  Once the words were typed, students copied and pasted the words into the wordle web sight.  The reaction of the students was GREAT when they saw their wordles. 

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