Saturday, September 18, 2010


I decided to try Publisher with the students and tried to do too much.  They became very frustrated, I became frustrated so we used another program for whatever we were doing.  I found out that experience soured them on Publisher.  I left Publisher alone for a week or so.  Then I made a main idea detail chart from one of the stories in our reading series.  I used the information from the teacher's manual to create boxes.  I put the main idea boxes on one side of the Publisher document, the detail boxes were on the other side and out of order.  The students had to grab a detail box and move it flush with the correct main idea box.  They loved manipulating the boxes.  It gave us a chance to talk about what to do if they change the size of the box or delete a box.  By the time we were done they were no longer were afraid of Publisher.  We didn't do much, but they were successful and that changed their minds about the software.  Now we have used Publisher a few more times and each time I add a few more new things.  I love using this program and they are starting to love it, too.

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