Friday, April 22, 2011

Butterfly Final Projects

The students have completed their research and are compiling all their notes into a paper.  Students typed notes into Publisher as they read and researched.   The notes were written as a list of information.  Students printed the notes, cut them apart and sorted them into categories.  Then they glued them to notebook paper.  Each category was glued to a page.  Students know that each page will be a paragraph in their report.  In addition to the information the students have compiled, they will include a quote or two about butterflies from a classmate. 

They are excited to use the pictures we've taken as we watched the life cycle take place in our classroom.  We feel fortunate to have captured a butterfly emerging using a flip video camera.  We have some still pictures of butterflies emerging, too.   Not only will the students be able to enhance their reports with actual pictures from our experiences but they will also have diagrams they have drawn and scanned.  They have to have two labeled diagrams for their reports.  One diagram has to show the body parts of a butterfly and the other must show the life cycle.

I can't wait to see their final products!  Once the paper report is done, we'll start on glogs and add some of the video.

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