Saturday, January 22, 2011


The students are close to finishing their PhotoStory3 projects.  After reading Snowflake Bentley students came up with facts about snow.  Because of snow days and other interruptions to our time we chose three facts as a class and then in our teams students worked on a storyboard to create their PhotoStory.  Originally I wanted each student to create his/her own story.

We used PowerPoint to create 8 slides.  Slide 1 is the title slide, slide 2 has the first fact on it, slide 3 is for the fact from slide 2 turned into an opinion, slide 3 has the second fact on it, and that continues until slide 8.  Slide 8 is the credit slide.  The book Snowflake Bentley is listed along with a website we will use for snow pictures.  The website contains copyright free pictures.  Once the slides were created (pictures were NOT added to the powerpoint and the slides with the opinions did not have the opinions written yet) they were printed.  As a team students wrote the narrative for each slide by the slide on the printed paper.  The opinion slides had the opinion written by hand in the slide.

Once the students have their storyboard completed they will choose the picture to go with the facts and opinions.  A picture will be selected for the title and credit slides, too.  The picture information will be noted on the slide.  Then students will create the PhotoStory3 using the information from their storyboards.  Each team is responsible for one PhotoStory.

The projects should be finished this week...which is good as we are starting a new project - the one described in the previous post.

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